Robert Bays, Ph.D.
An international seminar leader and consultant for over thirty years and a former college professor, Dr. Robert Bays has presented over 500 seminars throughout the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Mexico, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and South Africa. He was the Head Trainer for one of the most successful companies in the world for twelve years (Robbins Research International with Anthony Robbins) and he has coached hundreds of individuals privately from all walks of life. Dr. Bob has written two books in the personal growth area, had a play produced off-Broadway, and was a professional actor in New York (and on Broadway) for ten years.
The breadth of expertise in his seminar and trainings is unprecedented:
- Motivation
- NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)
- Communication
- Psychometrics
- Behavior modification
- Personal relationships
- Platform skills for public speaking
- Hypnotherapy
- Stress management and health
- Emotional release work
- Negotiation and conflict resolution
- Business consulting
- Psychoneuroimmunology (mind/body communication)
- Sales training
Dr. Robert Bays is a dynamic presenter, who balances his practice and results-oriented programs with an egalitarian caring that appeals to people interested in all areas of human development. Dr. Bays actively seeks out individuals and companies that are consciously engaged in developing their human resources.
Corporate communications trainings include The Identity Factor, Stress Management, Breakthrough, and Power Skills. The Identity Factor training predicts future behavior, and offers individuals the opportunity and skills to modify behavior that is counterproductive to their success, well-being and security. The outcome of this approach is to align the talents of individuals with maximizing productivity in the business. Stress Management is designed to save businesses substantial time and money by teaching individuals at all levels how to stay well by reducing and/or eliminating stress in the workplace. Since public speaking is the #1 fear for many individuals, Breakthrough focuses on powerful public presentation skills that teach how to be at ease with any audience, and may include a karate-style board-breaking metaphor for breaking through obstacles of any kind. Power Skills features practical, easy-to-learn skills in communication (NLP), motivation, behavior modification, negotiation, and conflict resolution—all of which lead to emotional mastery. Sometimes, Dr. Bays is called in for private coaching for specific challenges.
In the personal growth area, The Awakened Heart is a seminar that focuses on the spirituality of personal relationships and the exposure of limiting, ego patterns that veil the true Self. The Healing Force presents cutting-edge mental, emotional and spiritual exercises to support the latest in scientific research in the area of mind/body communication. Basic visualization, hypnotherapy, and meditation is taught and practiced.
B.A. Penn State University (Theatre Arts)
M. A. University of Minnesota (Theatre Arts, Music)
Ph. D. University of Minnesota (Theatre Arts, Literature and Criticism)
Post-Doctoral Training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC), Psychoneuroimmunology, (PNI) Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Body Electronics, Touch for Health.
President, Conscious Consulting
Counseling, Coaching and Psychotherapy for Spiritual Awakening in Sedona, AZ